What is Teaching and Learning Day?
The CTE’s Teaching & Learning Day is an annual event that showcases the fresh thinking and innovative strategies of faculty and staff related to enhancing teaching and learning at GGC. Our first Teaching & Learning Day was held in the spring of 2016. This event has evolved over the years from a fully in-person event to a hybrid (physical and virtual) poster session that provides a visual forum for individuals and groups to showcase innovative work related to teaching, learning, and technology, including but not limited to:
– course design (face to face, hybrid, and online)
– assignment design- engaged pedagogies (including experiential learning)
– assessment strategies
– research on teaching and learning
– efforts to enhance student success
This poster session provides an opportunity to reach a broad audience and initiate conversations with colleagues sharing similar interests.
When is Teaching and Learning Day?
This year’s Teaching and Learning Day will take place on Friday, April 12th, 2024.
Who will cover materials / printing expenses?
The CTE has posterboard and glue sticks available for creating physical posters, and you may use our printers (black and white laser / color inkjet) if needed. For virtual posters, there is obviously no need for physical materials; you are more than welcome to share your poster in a digital format.
What should the poster look like?
Posters should be created in the same format that you would normally see at an academic conference. See the example below for a rough idea of a physical poster – more details will be sent via email. For virtual posters, you can model it after a presentation at a conference venue (PowerPoint slide deck).
For more information:
Poster Basics (NYU)
How to Make an Academic Poster (PMC)
Academic Poster Resources (Yale)
Poster and Presentation Resources (UNC)
When is the deadline for proposals?
This year’s deadline for proposals is March 22nd, 2024.
Will there be assigned times for my presentation?
Yes; for both physical and virtual posters, you will be given a time slot in which you will have an opportunity to present your work. The program for the event will provide a schedule for the presentations along with Teams or Zoom links (according to your preference) for the virtual poster sessions.
I have another question not answered here. Who do I contact?
Send an email to Michael Smith (mdsmith@ggc.edu) and we’ll get you an answer.
Where do I submit my proposal?
Fill out the poster proposal in this form.