Faculty Development

New Faculty  |  Learning Tracks  |  Projects / Initiatives


Upcoming CTE Events and Workshops (Eventbrite)

KSU’s Teaching Conferences Directory

Event Gallery


New Faculty Programs:

New Faculty Orientation – The New Faculty Orientation (NFO) to the GGC community is a very important initiative at our institution. The CTE supports new full-time and part-time faculty in all facets of teaching and learning during the NFO. We couple educational technology training (such as using our Brightspace LMS) with pedagogical services that make using the technologies available on campus effective for learning in the classroom.

New Faculty Academy – The mission of the New Faculty Academy (part of Faculty Foundations, our year-long onboarding process) is to improve the way new faculty are prepared for their teaching, research, and service responsibilities at GGC.

Goals of the New Faculty Academy program:

– Increase understanding, broaden perspectives, and develop the skills of new GGC faculty.

– Increase understanding of the changing role of GGC faculty.

– Increase understanding of the changes taking place in teaching and learning.


Workshop Learning Tracks:

Active Learning

Digital Learning

Experiential Learning

Hybrid Learning

Integrative Learning

Internationalized Learning

Student Motivation


Projects / Initiatives:

Academic Commons – The Academic Commons is a virtual community of practice intended to support digital scholarship and digital citizenship at Georgia Gwinnett College. The Commons is an online environment (based on the WordPress platform) that allows GGC faculty, staff, and students to collaborate and share their research, scholarship, interests, teaching successes, and learning experiences with their peers and colleagues here at GGC and around the world. The Commons also provides a platform for displaying faculty badges earned through the CTE’s badging initiative, and for establishing a digital identity, allowing faculty, staff, and students to create, maintain, and control their own digital narrative.

SoTL Institute – SoTL (the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) is a way for us to take seriously our teaching and our students’ learning, and to undertake serious scholarly examination of these elements in service to GGC’s mission. SoTL practitioners pose questions about student learning and its relationship to the ways in which they are taught. They collect and analyze evidence of this learning to more fully understand what happens in the classroom and to more effectively facilitate learning. By asking and answering meaningful questions about teaching and learning in ways that align with their disciplinary research practices, SoTL practitioners bridge the gap between their research and teaching identities.

In the CTE’s full day SoTL Institute, participants learn about SoTL and then — step by step — begin to develop their own SoTL projects. The CTE also sponsors a SoTL Faculty Learning Community (FLC) to support the efforts of faculty undertaking SoTL research.