Digital Teaching & Learning
Intro to Digital Learning
Intro to Formative Assessment (planned for Spring; currently for NFA only)
Intro to Hybrid Teaching and Learning
Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning (planned)
Flipping Your Classroom (planned)
Intro to Brightspace (planned)
Digital Presence
Intro to GGC’s Academic Commons
Building an ePortfolio (on hold)
Establishing and Enhancing Your Digital Presence (planned update from F2F workshop)
Introduction to Social Media (planned)
Transforming Your Course Into a Learning Community (planned)
Digital Media
Intro to Digital Video
– Working with Kaltura
– Working with Camtasia (planned for Spring)
Intro to Digital Storytelling
– Hands-On with Adobe Spark
– Hands-On with Microsoft Sway
Digital Realities
Intro to Augmented Reality (planned update)
Intro to Virtual Reality (planned update)